Monday, 5 January 2009


Less is more
We need to be made to feel good about saving our planet.
Doom and gloom gives us a feeling of hopelessness, but the planet did not go bad overnight, we can reverse the trends, we can have hope by being positive about the future.
The first step is to accept that there are simply far to many of us humans. We should switch our attention from what we want for ourselves to what is best for our children. Therefore before conceiving another child ask yourself "is this for my personal gratification or would my existing child/children, in the long-run, be better provided for by being part of a smaller family.
I had the snip after our third child was born but if I had my time again I would stop at one or two. That is not to say that I regret having my third because I don’t, that is to look at life in a negative way. We must treasure each existing child. Focus on existing children by being honest as to what really is best for them, not us, them.
I have read articles where this type of language is condemned as anti-children, that it devalues children. I see it as exactly the opposite.
By putting existing children first, by respecting their future well being over our personal desires, by seeing each new birth as special, planned for and valued as part of a strong community should be the way to a better world.
Throughout the world virtually every culture has believed in a "the more, the merrier" approach to raising children. Now we need to see that "less is more" that no matter how rich or poor you are, our existing children should be given what is best for them. Better health, better education and the promise of a better future. The message can be simply put,
Give your child the best, only one sibling.

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